Blogger Outreach Tools: Your Ultimate Guide to Mastering Influencer Connections in 2023





In an era where blogging and digital marketing are becoming the most popular way to connect with and collaborate with other bloggers and influencers, blogger outreach tools are becoming increasingly necessary.

Whether you are a new blogger looking to use these tools for the first time or an experienced blogger wanting to increase your outreach campaigns’ success, we can help you. We have gathered information regarding the best blogger outreach tools available for use in 2023.

If you wish to increase your links with other collaborators, the best way to build and maintain links that will become a lasting, beneficial relationship is to effectively use blogger outreach tools.

These tools can help you if you are looking to build relationships with one or several other bloggers or influencers in your niche.

If you are unsure what a blogger outreach tool is, before we go further, we will outline this for you. Blogger outreach tools are software tools that allow a company, marketing manager, or individual to connect with other bloggers or influencers in their niche.

The tool will simplify the outreach process as you can search for and filter based on set criteria that will benefit your area of interest. You may have also heard of a blogger outreach tool being referred to as a link-building tool.

5 Best Blogger Outreach Tools to Connect with Top Influencers (2023)


With so many options available, it can be difficult to know the best blogger outreach tools for use in 2023. We have gathered our top 5 for you below and have highlighted some of the best features of each to help you to decide which is the best blogger outreach tool for your needs.


BuzzStream is best used for mid-sized businesses and agencies that specialize in marketing. BuzzStream is one of the best blogger outreach tools on the market for successful outreach campaigns.

This tool will also enable you to run PR campaigns and email outreach for link building and allow you to reach out to influencers of your choice.

BuzzStream is a complete Customer Relationship Management system; you can add any customer data to it for customized outreach emails and more.

You have the option to customize your lists within the system and sort them on a defined set of filters. This enables you to easily see details of likes, followers, and reach, among others.

You can also plan any outreach campaigns directly within BuzzStream, pull reports of your completed or in-progress marketing and outreach campaigns, and synchronize your emails all in one place.

It is important to note that customer service can sometimes take time to respond to inquiries which can cause delays if you need data or information quickly. Also, the accuracy of the data has been questioned.

With both of these issues in mind, we strongly recommend that you make full use of the 14-day free trial to test out if this outreach tool meets your needs.


There are three price plans in place if you decide to sign up with BuzzStream; starting with $24 per month for the starter package, $125 for the growth package each month, or finally, you can sign up for the custom package for $999 per month.


We recommend Respona for search engine optimization and marketing specialists or professional bloggers. This outreach tool has been designed specifically as a link-building tool able to boost your visibility and growth through increased traffic to your blog.

Respona is branded as the best option for PR campaigns, media pitches, and promoting your content. The search engine included within this outreach tool allows you to find useful contacts and utilize the contact details held within Respona to be able to make contact.

We love the search facilities in this outreach tool; you can analyze all of the data included within the program and customize the filters to see the data that you need. This is an excellent option to improve your outreach efforts and enable you to grow your contact list.

We have identified that due to the size of the database included in this option, Respona does take some time to load; if you are working in a hurry, this could delay you slightly. Also, there are at times glitches within the program that affects its use at times.

This is another program that offers a free trial; this time, it is a 7-day free trial, so again, we recommend that you make use of the trial. The free trial will enable you to find out if the areas that some users find difficult will affect your use of the tool.


Respona offers two levels of pricing; the starting price is $99 per month for the Starter program; however, there is an unlimited plan which is available if required. To make use of the Unlimited plan, you should contact Respona directly to discuss your needs.


Mailshake is best used by those who need to generate leads, build relationships with other bloggers and influencers, or those who have content to promote.

This is an excellent outreach tool for those who are starting out with outreach campaigns, as it automates a large portion of the outreach process.

There are a number of outreach templates available that you can use to reach out to other bloggers or industry influencers during your outreach and link-building campaigns. You will be asked to input selected information, and you will be given personalized outreach emails to send to your contacts.

You can set up automated follow-ups based on who engages with your initial outreach campaign. By targeting those who have clicked on the links of your original emails, you know there has already been some engagement with your original outreach efforts.

Although there is the option to offer bulk personalized outreach emails, you can preview and customize each individual email before it is sent.


Again, this option has two pricing options available; $59 per user per month for the Email Outreach program or $99 per user per month for the Sales Engagement program. However, if you choose to sign up for a year, you can reduce the monthly cost of the Email Outreach plan.


Buzzsumo is marketed toward social media and content marketers and bloggers; the program is an effective content marketing program.

However, it can easily be adapted for an outreach campaign if that is what you need. Buzzsumo was originally developed for content discovery, but you can now extend this to enable you to search content creators and influencers.

You can use this program to search for influencers across various social media platforms simultaneously, making a productive search much quicker. You can also set alerts within Buzzsumo for influencers you are interested in working with.

This means that when they post something new on any of their social media platforms, you will be alerted, saving time on repeated searches of the same group of influencers.

Buzzsumo also offers backlink monitoring and analysis tools that allow you to set alerts for specific brands in addition to influencers.

It is best to note that Buzzsumo is one of the most expensive outreach tools we have on our list; however, it does also include far more than other tools on the market currently. This is one of the more complex interfaces of the options that we have chosen, so it may not be the best blogger outreach tool for beginners.


There are three price options for Buzzsumo membership, starting with the Pro plan at $99 per month. Next, you can move to the Plus plan for $179 per month or choose the Large plan for $299 per month.


Traakr is recommended for influencer marketing specialists, bloggers, and those working in media marketing. Traakr is marketed as being cost-effective for influencer marketing and outreach campaigns for individual bloggers or small businesses.

Traakr allows you to track social media engagement on Facebook to assess the influencer’s reach. From here, you can create a list of all of the influencers in your niche that have active social media engagement.

Traakr has a global database of influencers meaning this has some exciting link-building opportunities for new bloggers and businesses. With access to so many influencers in your niche, you can create outreach campaigns that have a wide reach.

This outreach tool will also analyze the social media content of potential collaborators so you can assess the quality of the influencer you are hoping to work with.

You can view the social media interaction, engagement, and performance of any content creator you are interested in working with to see if their statistics are in the range you are looking for.

It should be noted that due to the complexity of the analytical tools, data analytics is not easy to use if you do not have a good level of technical skills. With this in mind, we would not recommend analytics to those who are not competent with analytical tools. Also, the reporting section can lag at times.


Traakr offers custom prices to every user, so it is best to contact their customer services team directly for more information and pricing.

Find People on Your List


If you use a blogger outreach tool to create link-building opportunities with social media influencers and other bloggers, you will have a curated list of who you would like to contact. From within the contact management section of the link-building tools you have access to, there will be the email addresses of each of the influencers on the list.

You can use sections of the blogger outreach software as a social media monitoring tool to help you to manage outreach campaigns across multiple social media platforms.

Top blogger outreach tools will allow you to see the influence and social media reach of potential collaborators.

Utilizing this information is one of the key features of a blogger outreach campaign, as you will see from the list you create who are the most influential collaborators to assist your marketing campaign.

Using your email address list within your outreach tool, you can send personalized outreach emails to potential collaborators. Additionally, you can use the email addresses to set up email drip campaigns which, although not quick to set up, there is a high lead potential.

If you are unsure how to create drip campaigns, we advise that you research this first.

We recommend that you send customized outreach emails wherever possible to build better and longer-lasting relationships with other influencers.

Managing relationships is the most important part of using influencer marketing tools; after you conduct outreach email campaigns, you must ensure that you work into the relationships you build with key influencers. Additionally, integrating influencer collaborations into your resource link building strategy can further amplify your brand’s online presence and authority.

Need For Blogger Outreach Tools

Blogger outreach tools will enable you to automate your workflow and simplify your blogger outreach campaigns to engage with more influencers. You will be able to improve link-building campaigns and more easily keep track of replies.

Statistically speaking, bloggers and influencer marketing are one of the most valuable ways of marketing a product, with 92% of customers trusting recommendations from others over traditional marketing tactics.

A further study has found that over 60% of customers have purchased a product or service specifically based on a blogger’s recommendation of that item.

It has also been found that blogger marketing has a significant return on the investment, with approximately $6.50 earned for every $1 spent on blogger marketing.

Blogger marketing is so important for companies that are marketing new products or want to revamp the marketing of an existing product. With this in mind, blogger outreach tools and blogger outreach campaigns have also increased in importance.

An outreach campaign is a process by which a company, marketing, or individual blogger attempts to make contact with other bloggers or influencers within that market to improve links.

Link building is the process by which you will create your relationship with other relevant bloggers and influencers.

If you are planning to begin or continue with influencer marketing, blogger outreach tools will be essential for you. With an outreach tool in place, your outreach efforts will be more meaningful, with a higher chance of successful outreach campaigns.

What are some of the best blogger outreach tools available?

There are a large number of blogger outreach tools available either as a Chrome extension or a separate program.

There are benefits to using both a Chrome extension and a dedicated outreach tool program.

Below we have listed some additional tools which are currently being used for effective outreach campaigns to collect email addresses of social media influencers.

Traffic and keyword analytics are also effective SEO tools which can be found within the outreach tools below.

Ninja Outreach

Ninja Outreach is a great option for affiliate marketers, SEO specialists, and bloggers. Ninja Outreach has been specifically designed for outreach campaigns with an inbuilt management system for emails.

You can use this program effectively to sort, manage, and filter all of the emails you have sent and received.

You can also run successful email outreach campaigns within the program by making use of the ability to organize your emails.

Utilizing email templates to contact bloggers or influencers can be helpful, providing you have a way to organize the responses that you receive and ensure you do not duplicate your outreach attempts.

Ninja Outreach can also support you in finding guest post opportunities on relevant blogs to improve your visibility. A blog post is a great place to start, as you can begin to build links from the blog post to other influencers and products.

This technique can also quickly build backlinks which will improve your domain authority considerably.

One of the online services offered by Ninja Outreach is the ability to access business profiles and contact details with one click of your mouse.

With the ability to sift through millions of profiles easily, you can create a large database for outreach campaigns without spending too long pulling the details together.

Points of note with this tool are that customer service is not always very quick to respond, causing delays for some users. Due to the size of the database included within this tool, some users find that it is slow to load, which again can cause delays. For a deeper analysis of digital marketing strategies, including PPC vs SEO, consider consulting industry experts to make informed decisions for your business.


There are three price plans available for this tool; the first is the Flex plan at $155 per month, and the Silver plan is available for $255 per month. Finally, the Silver Plus plan is available for $459 per month.

Hunter is marketed toward SEO and marketing specialists and bloggers. This tool specifically helps you to discover email addresses and store the email addresses within a simple outreach tool.

Included within is a domain search tool where you can complete a domain search for any URL to gather the email addresses of anyone working within that company.

Once you have all of the email details for the people you wish to contact, you can create email templates to make contact.

You can link your Gmail and accounts so you can see who has opened each email that you have sent. This can help you to adjust your email templates and refine your outreach strategy to improve your interaction.

Hunter offers a free plan for users; however, this has limited search and verification allowances in comparison to the paid-for plans.


In addition to the free plan that is available, Hunter offers four paid-for plans with a good range of prices. Starting with the Starter plan for $49 per month, the Growth plan at $99 per month, up to the $199 per month Pro plan, and ending with the Business plan at $399 per month.


We have found SEMrush to be best suited to professional SEO specialists, agencies, and marketing teams within a business. If any of these are included in your job title, SEMrush could be the product for you.

However, this is one of the most popular SEO tools; it can also be used in an effective outreach strategy.

Due to the link-building and analysis tools within this program, it is very easily adapted for social media outreach and other outreach campaigns. You can use the features within this program to analyze social metrics, create email lists, and track how your outreach campaigns are progressing.

You can track brands and URLs within SEMrush to see which options will be the most cost-effective for outreach efforts.

However, points of note with this program include that the number of functions available within this program can be very overwhelming for users. We have also found that this is not the easiest to use type of program for a beginner.


This is one of the most costly that we have discussed, with the first tier plan starting at $119.95 per month for the Pro plan. The second available option is the Guru plan at $229.95 per month, and the top Business plan is £449.95 per month.

What features should I look for when selecting a blogger outreach tool?

The features to look out for when searching for the best blogger outreach tools will differ depending on what your needs are; we would recommend that you check who each software type is aimed at. This will give you an indication of whether your choice will meet your needs.

Read the features of each product and finally read customer reviews to ensure that your choice is suitable.


Pitchbox is another option that has integrated SEO optimization, so it is a brilliant choice for SEO specialists in addition to bloggers. This is one of the most user-friendly options we have viewed and will not put off new users.

Pitchbox enables you to find a high volume of potential collaborators quickly and easily. You can fully customize your emails to create the perfect outreach campaign, with automatic follow-ups possible, making that quicker also.


Pitchbox does not offer price plans; currently, every plan is fully customized for the user, and the price can be determined following a booked demo with one of the customer support agents.

Should you follow up on your outreach emails?

You should always follow up on your outreach emails, whether you choose to use an automated follow-up option within your outreach tool or you choose to send manual follow-up emails.

If you choose to send follow-up emails to those who have engaged with a link or information in your original email outreach campaign, you may find a higher link-building success rate.

Influencers may receive thousands of requests for collaboration each month, and therefore it is likely they will not have time to go through every request immediately. Follow-up reminders can help keep your content in an influencer’s mind.

How to find prospects for blogger outreach?

You can use a blogger outreach tool to find prospective collaborators. Alternatively, you can approach people you have featured in your blog posts. This is a great way to create further links with influencers who are already on your radar. You can also search for influencers who have posted or written about the same topic or products as you have for mutual benefit.

What is the best strategy for blogger outreach?

You are best to begin by creating and fostering meaningful relationships with relevant bloggers and influencers. Begin with an outreach program that you can then build on as you receive engagement from your target collaborators.

Growing the traffic to your blog via guest posts is also beneficial to get more custom guest posts on blogs that cover similar products and topics. People who are reading a blog with similar products and topics are more likely to move to your blog from a guest post as they already have an interest.

How to know which is the best blogger outreach tool?

There are numerous powerful blogger outreach tools available on the market; however, the best blogger outreach tools will not be the same for everyone. As we have described above, there are so many excellent features available in the programs we have highlighted.

We recommend that you fully read all of the details regarding each of the outreach tools that you are interested in. Reading reviews from current customers is always a good way to get an impartial view of how a program works in practice.

Finding relevant bloggers

You can use an outreach tool to determine relevant bloggers for your niche. Alternatively, you can complete your own online searches on the topics and products that you are interested in. This will give you a list of potential collaborators to begin contacting; however, this process is far simpler with a blogger outreach tool.

Blogger Outreach Mastery: Essential Lessons Learned

In today’s digital world, blogger outreach tools are your trusty sidekick if you’re serious about making waves in the blogging and digital marketing scene. Whether you’re just dipping your toes into outreach or fine-tuning your existing strategies, having the right tools at your disposal can make a difference.

These tools make reaching out to fellow bloggers and influencers a breeze. They help you find the right people, personalize your messages, and keep tabs on how well your campaigns are doing—all of which are key for building solid, mutually beneficial connections. And let’s not forget that using these tools strategically doesn’t just boost your connections; it also ramps up your digital presence and influence. As we wrap up, remember that the smart use of blogger outreach tools can up your game.

About Searcharoo

Searcharoo is a Link Building & Content Marketing company run by SEO’s based in the UK.

Our goal from the start has been to provide premium links and content services, at fair and affordable prices.

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