How to Get High-Quality Backlinks: Mastering Editorial Links, Contextual Relevance, and Strategic Link Building Techniques




Backlinks, originating from other websites and resources, are essential to any robust search engine optimization strategy. Whether through paid guest blogging efforts or natural link accumulation from widely shared content, securing a consistent flow of quality backlinks is critical to advancing your brand.

According to Google, this foundational strategy underpins the subsequent discussion on the Importance of Backlinks, where we delve deeper into how Google views and values these links within its ranking algorithms.

Your site’s link profile consists of all the backlinks it accumulates, each impacting your site’s search engine ranking either positively or negatively. The authority transferred from those links influences your search result standings as you acquire links.

This foundational understanding sets the stage for the next discussion on How Backlinks Work, where we delve deeper into the mechanics of how backlinks influence site authority and search visibility.

How Does This Work?

For example, an editorial backlink from a major page of a reputable website can transfer some of that ‘value’ back to your site, boosting the overall quality of the page in Google’s search system and increasing its position in searches. 

Bad links would do the opposite, creating low-quality pages that appear lower in searches.

Nofollow links do not retain any of the “link juice” – they transfer no value. Outbound links do not really impact the site that created them, and links in the comments on blogs comments won’t transfer any value either. 

Internal links are not only navigation aids like those to your post feed or homepage but also include contextual links within your content that guide users to related and intriguing information on your site. These links help search engines discover and evaluate your content’s relevance and value, with well-connected pages deemed more effective.

Effective internal linking is vital for SEO, enhancing content discoverability and relevance, and setting a solid foundation for understanding editorial backlinks. This leads us seamlessly into the discussion of an editorial backlink, exploring another dimension of linking that further amplifies your site’s authority and visibility in search results.


An editorial backlink, one of the most valuable types, is generated when another company features content related to your company, website, product, or service and includes a direct link to your site. The high value of these links stems from their direct reference to exact content on your page.

This link building method naturally leads us into the next section, where we explore effective strategies to secure these powerful endorsements for your website.

Natural backlinks from editorials come from posting content that other sites want to refer back to. 

This could be pages of guides and instructions, an article that has some major relevance to a major website, or anything else that people may want to link to. 

While purchasing backlinks is an option, they are typically earned through the creation of content that other brands and businesses find valuable. To effectively generate these links, the content must not only be visible but also worthy of being referenced.

This requirement for high-value content transitions into our next topic of Contextual and Topical Relevance, exploring how the relevance of your content enhances its linkability and overall impact on your SEO strategy.

Contextual and Topical Relevance

Backlinks must be relevant to be effective, targeting appropriate terms and drawing traffic from suitable sources. While sites like directories might sell links without considering Relevancy, you must ensure alignment with your niche. For instance, a directory focused on SEO benefits an SEO agency seeking backlinks but less so for businesses outside this niche, where even optimal anchor text cannot compensate for lack of relevance.

This critical need to match backlink sources with your business’s focus leads us to the next section, where we explore strategies to ensure your backlinks effectively enhance your search engine presence.

Handling Relevancy

Google sees all websites as a set of keywords and anchor text, and each Google Search for a related topic could bring it up as a result. 

Quality content and links are about having anchor text from the right websites and buried in the right content, like a blog post especially mentioning the industry your company is part of.

Some types of links are more related to search engines than others. A blog’s guest post is usually weaker overall than an industry site, even if they’re both relevant in the same way.

Search Engines, Keywords and Relevancy

Including all the right words in the anchor text won’t always make a website ideal for links. 

If websites regarding pets start linking to your web marketing business, then Google will notice that something isn’t right. The subject of the site is just as important as the post that contains your link.

Building good backlinks means finding out what’s valuable to your brand, sites, or business. However, you also need to understand what makes backlinks worth using.\

Different types of links work differently, even if the link building process is similar. Press releases are going to have more authority than blog comments, whereas “free tool” links towards some free feature your website offers are likely to boost your website when users look for free programs.

Defining different types of backlinks can be hard, but a good mixture of link building techniques is always good for even the smallest website. 

If you have a link portfolio with only one or two website domains in it, you can suddenly take a huge hit if a website goes down or deletes the pages that you’re relying on.

A lot of poor-quality types of backlinks can temporarily boost your website, but once Google scans each link, they might invalidate them. 

Having half your links suddenly penalised can knock your search engine position down extremely fast and make it very hard to recover.

A smaller amount of powerful links are better for ranking in general, but your strategy should be to have a mixture of both. 

The more diverse your link portfolio is, the easier it becomes to avoid relying on a few links that could become nofollow links or get taken down at any moment.


Backlinks from low-traffic, seemingly forgotten pages can still greatly boost your SEO, as each link contributes positively to your site’s search engine ranking. Despite their obscurity, these links remain essential for enhancing online visibility.

By implementing strategic link-building techniques, you can drive traffic to your website and enhance its prominence in search results.

The next discussion explores the practical steps of purchasing backlinks to further this goal, ensuring a smooth transition into acquiring quality backlinks.


Backlinks, a key SEO asset, are readily purchasable through various platforms. SEO agencies frequently accumulate links for clients, while some individuals personally engage sites for link placement.

Whether securing a link from a niche blog or accessing paid link opportunities on prominent websites, the process is quite accessible.

Exploring these avenues efficiently leads to understanding where to buy backlinks, offering a direct path to enhancing your site’s visibility.

Some sites, especially blogs, will openly state their prices for links, as well as the terms of how these links can be used. This might limit the type of link you can pay for, etc.

Finding these opportunities is simple with even the most basic search engines, but it also means that you have to trust the site. If they swap links to nofollow or don’t do the right SEO work after you pay them, that is another headache to manage.

Through Digital Marketing

SEO enormously enhances your link portfolio, and enlisting a specialized agency like Searcharoo often proves beneficial for businesses. For most website owners, independently identifying the right tools and strategies to attract search engine attention can be daunting.

Simplifying these challenges through professional help seamlessly leads to comprehensive strategies where we consolidate our insights on effective link management.

Link building can seem very hard at first, but it is also very easy to over-complicate it for yourself. Most of the time, link building is best when it’s done by somebody who’s already managing your SEO since they get a much better understanding of where your strengths and weaknesses are.

If you’re already considering SEO help, take a look at some of the things we offer. Whether you are a new site owner who’s just started blogging or the figurehead of an established business, we aim to provide personalised and insight-driven answers that can get your links in check as soon as possible.

Transparency is always a big deal in marketing, and Searcharoo remains as transparent as possible, letting you pre-approve every change and get a full overview of which links are being targeted next. 

As long as you have a basic strategy in mind, we can take over the link building and SEO work, leaving you free to focus on the parts of your business that you find important.


About Searcharoo

Searcharoo is a Link Building & Content Marketing company run by SEO’s based in the UK.

Our goal from the start has been to provide premium links and content services, at fair and affordable prices.

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