Reputation is everything for real estate agents, and it can take a long time to develop the right one.

Running a real estate business means you have a lot of competition both locally and in the wider industry, so you need to be able to stand out to attract more customers.

One of the greatest tools in the current market for real estate businesses is to have their own website.

With a real estate website, you can find customers at any hour of the day and constantly be marketing your work. Real estate websites are a great resource for potential clients and are essential for any agent who wants to be successful in the current market.

However, due to their value, there is no shortage of real estate websites these days, and a single search can offer thousands of results.

Real estate agents now not only have to stand out from the crowd offline but online, too.

Luckily, there are some online tools and techniques that you can use to optimize your website and reach more traffic through search engines.

Link building is a highly successful tool for search engine optimization and can increase the amount of people who see your website from searches alone. As a real estate business, there are specific links that you should be generating to reflect well on your company.

In this guide, we are sharing everything you need to know about link building and how you can generate real estate backlinks for your business.

What Is Link Building?

Website owners deal with a lot of competition, no matter their industry, and have to face thousands of other companies battling for the same attention online.

This is especially the case for real estate businesses who take their work online through a dedicated website. To get noticed online, there are specific tools you need to use to optimize your website.

Link building is one of these tools and is a process of obtaining high-quality backlinks from other top websites within the real estate niche.

To create backlinks, you need to have connections across the real estate industry and offer enough value in your own content to be recommended.

There is a lot of work that goes into link building for real estate business, as it requires you to build relationships with other real estate agents, create content that is genuinely helpful, and be present online in various forms.

Before we can begin working on a link building strategy for your real estate business, you first need to understand how this process works and the kind of results it can offer.

How Search Engines Work

Anyone searching for a real estate agent is likely to do a Google search for real estate in their area and will be offered thousands of results.

For most goods and services, the first point of call these days is through a Google search, and without the right website optimization, you will never get noticed.

Most users do not go past the first page of results, and any website owner who wants to get noticed needs their link to appear here.

Those that appear on the first page of search results are seen as a valuable resource to users and, therefore, get the most website traffic as they are being recommended over other real estate websites.

All search engines rank their results based on specific factors to ensure they are offering users exactly what they need.

These platforms are made to be efficient, which is why their results are ranked based on relevance as well as domain authority. Relevant websites will always be ranked highly in search results to give users what they want, but there is another ranking factor that plays a huge role in which websites get the most traffic.

What Is Domain Authority?

In the real estate market, reputation is everything, and agents spend all of their careers improving the way they are seen by clients.

Real estate businesses that are renowned for offering great services and better results will always perform better than new businesses. The same kind of rules can apply online when it comes to search engine rankings for real estate websites.

As we have mentioned, there are specific factors that are considered by Google and other search engines when it comes to where their results will appear on the search engine results pages (SERPs).

While relevance plays a big part in this, domain authority is the next big thing and something you can work on with techniques such as link building.

Domain authority refers to the reputation of a website based on the other sites it appears on or has relationships with.

Building links with other real estate websites is a way to increase your domain authority in the eyes of search engines, thus increasing your rankings in search results for more traffic.

A website’s authority is shown through its link profile, which refers to the connections it has with other websites in the same niche.

This is essentially your online reputation, and being connected with other websites that also have high authority shows that you are a trustworthy source and one to be recommended in search results.

What Are Real Estate Backlinks?

Now that you understand the basics of link building, it is time to explore what this means for a real estate website.

Real estate backlinks or inbound links are essentially links from one website back to your own content.

It is a way for one website to recommend another to their audience within their content and is a highly valued tool for SEO.

Real estate websites need to build relevant backlinks with other real estate websites in their area if they want to rank higher and, therefore, get more traffic online.

High-quality backlinks in the real estate business are essentially a vouch of confidence between real estate professionals, which translates as an authority on search engines for a higher ranking.

Developing a backlink portfolio is essential for all kinds of websites, but the real estate industry requires companies to attract links with other realtors in the same location.

Local SEO For Real Estate Link Building

Real estate backlinks not only need to come from fellow realtors but will help your business perform better online if they come from within your local area.

Local searches are highly valuable to a real estate professional because their target audience is going to be people in a specific region.

When building backlinks, make sure to consider where you want your website traffic to come from, as this determines the clients you can work with in the future.

While you may be able to get great backlinks from realtors across the world, this is not going to offer benefits to your business, which operates on a local scale.

Considering GEO-targeted content is a vital aspect of a real estate backlink strategy and influences the kind of websites you want to work with when it comes to building backlinks.

How To Get More Real Estate Backlinks

To build real estate backlinks, there are various things you need to work on when it comes to your website and online content as a whole.

As real estate backlinks are a vital aspect of getting noticed online and increasing your website traffic, which in turn can lead to more customers, you want to spend time developing your link building strategy and ensuring your online portfolio is highly professional.

There are several methods you can use to build real estate backlinks, including:

Guest Posting

Guest posting is perhaps one of the most common and most successful methods to build backlinks.

This is done by writing blog posts for other websites and getting a link back to your website published within it.

Publishing a guest post on a high authority website is not only a great tool for exposure and can increase website traffic from the offset but is also useful for SEO.

By creating a guest post for the other website, you are also providing value to their audience, which can make it easier to build backlinks with them. As you are doing work for another website by creating valuable content, it will be easier to get a recommendation from the website owner.

How To Use Guest Blogging

This is a great technique to use for your business that requires specific tools.

1) Real Estate Blog

While this technique can be a great one to obtain high-quality backlinks, you first need a platform to pitch ideas and to direct the audience back to.

This is why you need to create a real estate blog on your website that can offer relevant information regarding your work specifically, as well as regarding the industry as a whole.

With a platform to publish it on, you also need to work on creating high-quality content that will work as a form of portfolio to other websites when you pitch a guest blog post to them.

Some examples of high-quality content for real estate businesses include detailed property listings, neighborhood information, and even virtual tours.

By showcasing that you have the necessary skills in content marketing, you are making it easier for website owners to approve your pitch for a guest blog post, and, therefore, you can create an ongoing relationship to build high-quality backlinks.

2) Develop A Pitch

Now you have a platform, it is time to begin working on your pitch, which will be sent to other websites or news outlets regarding your guest post opportunities.

You want to make sure that your pitch is engaging and valuable to websites you are reaching out to, highlighting your skills in content creation wherever possible.

The same pitch can be used time and time again, but ensure that you change the addressee to showcase interest, which will offer better results.

3) Find People To Connect With

To ensure you generate quality backlinks, you want to research the best websites you can work with when it comes to guest posting.

This means only working with websites that have the highest domain authority and get the most traffic.

Take time to consider the websites out there that already share similar content to what you offer and which ones work with your competitors.

This also includes looking at their best articles for inspiration and seeing the topics that appeal to audiences the most.

Finally, ensure the website you are going to pitch to publishes guest posts and has a suitable platform for you to do this.

Use Resource Pages

Another great way to get real estate backlinks is by adding your business to local resource pages.

These community websites provide listings for businesses in a specific niche, such as local restaurants, and can generate a lot of traffic.

There are a lot of business directories out there these days, and some of these may be low quality, which should be avoided when working on your link building strategy.

To avoid low-quality links, ensure you only appear on high-authority resource pages that hold property listings.

Websites like Zillow, Hubspot, and Realtor are all great resources for realtors and can generate quality backlinks for your business.

Once you find the relevant page for your business, contact the webs master and ask for your link to be added to the content.

Promote Yourself

As a local business, you have a great advantage over other industries because there are specific tools you can use for link building that may not be present anywhere else.

Real estate businesses can make use of local news outlets, local influencers, and other forms of media to promote their work and generate backlinks.

To ensure that newspapers, blogs, and podcasts are going to be interested in what you do, your business needs to create something special.

Whether this is a specific local event, which can be promoted in regional outlets like the newspaper and publication websites or even by creating a unique online brand.

You can also join your local chamber of commerce to ensure your link is listed on all local council websites, resource pages, and directories as standard.

There are many opportunities online for local businesses to promote themselves within their own regions, and this should not be ignored as a realtor working on link building.

Check For Missed Opportunities

If you have been in the business for several years, it is likely that your website is already listed on some resources or directory pages.

You could be missing out on a lot of opportunities for quality links simply by ignoring what is already out there. These are known as unlinked mentions and could result in a lot of lost traffic simply by not having your backlink present.

This technique requires you to do a search for your own business and see what results appear. If no link appears, contact the site owner and ask them to give you a link.

As this is standard practice, you are likely to be successful here, and you can even offer specific anchor text that continues to make it easier for customers to find you within their searches.

Repair Broken Links

Similarly, considering your current content for any broken links can impact your overall SEO.

All backlinks must be accurate and working to be considered valuable by search engines, so you want to regularly sweep content to ensure this.

If you have made any changes to your website or content over time, which is a common practice to ensure the highest quality possible, then the backlinks used elsewhere may be broken.

Quality links are those that are fully functioning, so you want to ensure that everything used to direct people to your content is working.

This also relates to social media backlinks, where your website is referenced on platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

How To Access Link Building Efforts

A lot of work goes into building links, so you want to make sure that all of your efforts pay off.

Link building is an ongoing process and one that can continue to offer great results when done right.

Real estate businesses should continually assess their current SEO tactics and see where additional work can be done to continue obtaining organic traffic.

The more people that see your website, the more clients you have to work through the sales funnel and make money with your business.

Tools To Use For Assessment

You can see where your traffic is coming from and, therefore, what link building tactics are working the best for your business with some online tools.

Google Analytics is a great tool for real estate businesses as it shows the main sources of organic traffic for the whole website, as well as specific pages.

This information is not only useful once you have worked on link building but should also be used continually throughout the process to highlight areas that need attention.

These analytics can showcase where your website is already succeeding in terms of traffic numbers but also where it needs additional work and, therefore, the new tools you can implement into your marketing strategy.

Getting Started

Link building can seem like an overwhelming process for real estate business owners because there is so much to do.

Along with running your business and seeing clients, working with online content may seem like too much to do, but it can be a great tool for success when done right.

There are many ways you can build real estate backlinks, and these can lead to better search engine ranking and, therefore, more traffic online. With more people visiting your website, there are more clients to pull through the sales funnel to bring in revenue for your brand.

If you do not know where to start, the best advice is to improve what you currently have.

This means working on your existing website to ensure it is high quality and something you are proud to show people through backlinks.

A blog is also required for techniques such as link building, so you will need to create a page like this if it does not already exist on your website.

While there are small steps you can implement right now to begin working on your ranking in search results, there are also services you can use to aid with this process.

Link building agencies can help optimize your website and will do a lot of this work on your behalf.


Link building is a highly valuable tool for all businesses online these days.

It is especially useful for realtors who face a lot of competition locally and want to get attention online from the right people.

Many methods can be used to build backlinks within the real estate industry, allowing you to connect with high-authority websites for more traffic.

With a great backlink profile, your real estate site will perform better in search results and, therefore, reach more people who are actively looking for what you offer.

By showcasing authority and relevance through your link profile and connections with other sites, your website will be ranked highly in results so it is seen by more people.

These potential clients will then be more likely to click your link so they can be directed through your sales funnel to bring in revenue for your company.

Successful realtors have an excellent backlink profile, and this is something you can begin working on today to reach more people online.