Most marketers feel that the most important factor for overall backlink quality is domain rating (also known as domain authority).

There are, however, other criteria that are just as crucial as domain authority for analyzing the quality of links that point to your site. This is the situation with Trust Flow, a statistic used to assess a website’s trust and reliability.

In SEO, increasing Trust Flow is critical to the health of your website. It assesses the authority and relevancy of your website.

Your site is more likely to rank highly in search engines if you have a high Trust Flow score. It also provides you with a better understanding of how to optimize your SEO strategy.

In this blog post, we are going to explain the mysteries of Trust Flow.

What is the trust flow metric? How does it work? And how can you most effectively adjust your SEO strategy to take full advantage of it and increase your trust flow score? All this and more can be found in our article below.

What Is Trust Flow?

Created by Majestic, Trust Flow (TF) is an essential SEO indicator that helps us to determine the worth of a website.

The quality of each backlink is used by Majestic SEO Trust Flow to calculate the website’s quality on a scale of 0 to 100. The most reliable sites (“seed sites”) in TF’s database serve as a quality criterion.

Because they are linked to the other sites via backlinks, the closer your own website is to the “seed site” in this chain, the higher your score.

A score of 50 is excellent, but a score of 0 to 10 should act as a major wake-up call that you need to fix your own strategy and try to increase trust flow.

A high Trust Flow score indicates that your site is concerned about SEO. It might also assist you in recovering from link penalties. Low Trust Flow ratings indicate that your link building techniques should be reconsidered.

Remove spam links from spammy sites, use relevant anchor text and appropriate keyword positions, and link to other sites on your internal pages to increase your Trust Flow.

Majestic’s tools can be used to assess your links and delete low-trust links.
Increasing your Trust Flow score can also help you assess how effective your rivals are. It also allows you to determine whether your link building approach is effective.

You can use Trust Flow to help your SEO recover from link penalties, increase keyword placements, and improve the general functionality of your site and its internal pages.
Increasing your Trust Flow score is an important aspect of any SEO strategy. The score represents the overall credibility of your website. This indicator is determined by the quantity and quality of your backlinks.

You can raise your Trust Flow score by acquiring more high-quality backlinks and removing any low-quality backlinks. The end result of this should be an increase in organic traffic to your site.

To improve your Trust Flow score, you must get authoritative links from high-quality websites.

To improve your SERP presence, make sure your content is keyword-focused. If your content is unfocused and too broad, you may face competition from material created about a topic unrelated to your focus.

It is crucial to know that the Trust Flow score is not the only metric or SEO indicator that can be used to assess the trustworthiness of your website.

There are several more measures, such as the Domain Rating, Citation Flow, and Topical Trust Flow, that can help to boost the authority of your site.

These indicators are used to compare the performance of your website to that of your rivals.

Trust Flow vs. Citation Flow

Citation Flow is another well-known flow method that has recently become popular. It is easy to mix up trust flow and citation flow, so let us try to figure out what distinguishes them in order to help you get a good trust flow score.

The Citation Flow, like the Trust Flow, evaluates the popularity of a link based on the number of hits it receives. However, Citations Flow does not necessarily take link quality into account.

As a result, while some popular sites have a high Citation Flow, they may also have a poor trust rating.

In general, sites with a high number of links pointing to them will have a high Citation Flow score. That is generally a good thing, but what really matters is the difference between your Citation Flow and your Trust Flow.

If your site has a Citation Flow that is much greater than its Trust Flow, it is very likely that your site has a large number of low-quality links pointing to it.

That means you need to check your site’s backlinks and try to get more high-quality backlinks in order to increase trust flow scores up to match your citation flow ratio.

Trust Flow vs. Domain Rating


Trust Flow is a statistic that counts how many connections your site has from high-quality sites. Obtaining a large number of low-quality links will not significantly increase a site’s Trust Flow score.

Domain rating or authority (developed by Moz as an alternative metric to Google PageRank) seeks to assess a site’s authority by counting the number of inbound links.

Links from high-authority sites count more than links from low-authority sites, similar to PageRank.

One issue with domain rating is that a website can still earn a high domain score if it has a large number of low-authority links. To acquire a high trust flow, you must obtain links from high-authority sites.

Trust Flow vs. Topical Trust Flow

Trust Flow from sites related to your specific niche is referred to as topical Trust Flow.

Topical trust flow falls into the broader field of trust flow, but you need to be aware of it as a part of your SEO strategy.

Your website should receive links from other sites in your area that publish information on comparable themes.

Search engines might be perplexed if your site is about baking, but the topical flow suggested it was about travel. Such discrepancies may result in your site being de-indexed by search engines.

Basically, try to focus on obtaining links from sites that are related to yours. Remember your main keywords, create relevant content, and aim for links from sites that work in closely related fields.

A guest post system is a good way to do this, as guest posts from relevant sites can be a valuable source of links from those guest posts to your website.

Relevant links are far more valuable to all search engine algorithms than irrelevant backlinks, so building valuable relationships with relevant sites is well worth the effort.

What Does Trust Flow Influence, and How Does It Do That?

Trust Flow shields your site from frequent algorithm adjustments because search engines will not lower your rank if they trust the page.

This statistic also boosts SEO by increasing the number of authoritative links to your website and strengthening keyword placements.

As a result, the primary benefit of Trust Flow is its capacity to propel your website to the top of Google search results. The high Trust Flow allows websites to forego lengthy link acquisition campaigns if necessary.

Mostly, what the trust flow metric affects is simply that it prevents your ranking from going down. Trust flow is a shield from future problems rather than something that is fully factored in when ranking a new site.

How To Use Trust Flow Metrics

In SEO, using trust flow metrics can help you gain a better understanding of your link development effort. It can assist you in identifying link prospects and analyzing your competition.

Trust Flow is a link grading method that uses a number of factors to determine the quality of a page. It is based on a scale of one to one hundred. The better the score, the higher the score. The total number of clicks on a page also influences its rating.

Trust Flow is a more reliable metric than other techniques for scoring. It is also tough to modify with black hat methods. In fact, it is one of the most trustworthy and precise measures accessible.

The Trust Flow metric can also be used to look for and assess new connectivity possibilities.

Whether you have spotted a prospective link through competitive analysis, discovered a potential guest blogging opportunity, or discovered a new domain to acquire, analyzing the URL’s Trust Flow will provide you with a straightforward statistic to evaluate the connection.

Using Trust Flow to discover harmful backlinks and recover from linking penalties is also beneficial. Look for low Topical Trust Flow and Trust Flow ratings while assessing your backlinks.

At best, these sites contribute nothing to your SEO. At worst, they are endangering it. Any Trust Flow scores less than 10 should be eliminated.

Free Tools For Your Trust Flow Score

The Majestic Trust Flow Extender program examines links for you. It is available for download for Firefox and Google Chrome and is a free service. You can also produce reports with it. You can enhance the SEO of your web pages by using Majestic’s trust flow tool.

This is the most straightforward strategy for keeping an eye on your trust flow, but there are other scoring tools also available. Many high-quality tools now consider trust score as a major metric worth tracking.

Ahrefs also measures link quality using Domain Rank and URL Rank. These indicators are also graded on a logarithmic scale ranging from 0 to 100. A higher Domain Rank and URL Rank can aid in the development of a more robust backlink profile for your website.

There are many SEO metrics that are worth tracking, and these two tools are some of the best for tracking all the factors affecting your search engine performance.

How is Trust Flow Calculated?

Trust Flow ratings are assigned on a scale of 1 to 100. Because Trust Flow is a private system, the concepts underlying the formula that determines the score are unknown.

However, Majestic has detailed some of the criteria that determine the trust score on its blog over the years.

For example, the Citation Flow tool begins with a raw number for each URL, and the majority are generated automatically by computers.

However, the Trust Flow technology only begins with trusted sites that have been hand-picked by genuine developers, authors, and editors.

Essentially, Majestic assesses numerous reputable “originating sites” to determine the trust score. This includes a manual assessment of various reputable websites with a good root domain, such as Google.

The obtained data is then analyzed using a logarithmic scale to calculate the ranking of these so-called origin locations. As a result, “black hat” ways of manipulating Trust Flow are very difficult to get results from.

Furthermore, URLs and websites with a high degree of similarity to one of these origin sites will have a better trust page score than those with a low degree of similarity.

The logic is the same as in a professional reference. The more favorable references a person receives from specialists in their industry, the more probable it is that you will recruit them.

Although the exact formula for calculating Trust Flows cannot be determined from the information we currently have available, the components covered in this section should serve as a guide for your SEO strategies to increase trust flow for your website.

This is an important metric for SEO measurement, and it is worth taking the time to understand tricky metrics like this fully.

Is Trust Flow Important For SEO?

A high trust flow score is required for a site or web page to attain top-tier SEO results and a good position in the search engine results pages. It signifies that a website is trustworthy and has high-quality backlinks.

A high score can be obtained by checking backlinks on a regular basis. Not all backlinks, however, are high-quality links: toxic backlinks exist and can be very harmful to your web page.

Some links may be harmful and lower your site’s score. Removing toxic backlinks from your web page’s backlink profile can help you in increasing your trust flow score.

Other SEO metrics may be used to assess the trustworthiness of a website. Majestic’s Trust Flow, for example, examines reliable “originating sites” that drive visitors to your website.

It also looks at internal links. This measure assists you in determining the most pertinent marketing activities for your website.

If your site has a high trust score, it means it has quality backlinks and is regarded as reputable and authoritative by search engine algorithms.

This is one of the most useful SEO metrics that can be used for link audits and competitor analysis.


Trust Flowing is not an easy score to manipulate, but a high Trust score is an important sign that you are doing something right and that your link building strategy has connected you well to one of the important seed sites.

Seed sites are referring domains with a high level of trust, which flows down to your web pages from the seed site through links.

This will, eventually, drive organic search traffic to your site.
It is important to remember that trust scores are not SEO tools in their own right: they are just a metric of how well connected your site is to a seed site and, by extension, a rough way to measure your performance.